Our evaluation is very fair and ensuring you will get the best price
If it's not convenient, come to the shop. We have a purchasing service at your location.
เมื่อได้ราคาที่พอใจ นัดหมายและรับเงินทันที
ส่งรูป และข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับนาฬิกาให้ทาง Line Such as condition, year and equipment. The more complete the details, the better. The more we can estimate the price quickly. and more accurate
When we receive the information We will provide an initial price estimate as quickly as possible within a few hours. Or you can bring an actual watch. Or you can send it to the shop for evaluation as well.
After evaluating the price The shop will report back for customers to consider. If you are satisfied with the price, you can notify the shop to pick up the watch to inspect the actual watch. and receive cash immediately
Tharm2Time shop is happy to provide price estimation services. Free watch valuation without any hidden costs. and can also quickly evaluate the price of watches
The shop will take approximately 3-4 hours (the speed of information and pictures of the watch to the shop, especially the inside of the watch will be complete). The important part is to check the price of the watch and compare it with the customer's to make sure that it is complete and complete in the watch sample. Annual... various accessories that come with the watch
The shop buys genuine second-hand watches of all brands, all luxury watch brands from around the world. High-end watches covering all brands In any condition Both with a box and leaves Empty watch Not many damaged watches Or there are traces of use. However, there are some types of watches that the store does not have expertise in, such as general fashion brands that cost thousands.
The watch box, warranty card, manual, and various accessories that come with the watch when purchased from the Boutique will help to make the price assessment of the watch more accurate. Can increase the price of the watch And greatly increases the reliability of your second-hand watch. But there may or may not be any.
The Tharm2Time shop does not charge a fee in the case of on-site watch purchase service. (The appointment location is subject to agreement. There may be cases where an appointment will be required to have the watch thoroughly inspected. It takes more time) For the convenience of those who want to sell watches, you can inquire and send pictures of basic details. To make an appointment
There are some brands of watches that the store has no expertise in and therefore cannot accept price estimates as follows.
From careful product screening by technicians who are experts in luxury watches. Ensuring that every product is 100% authentic.
เราดำเนิการโดยเน้นหลักความยุติธรรม และให้ผลประโยชน์สูงสุดแก่ลูกค้า และคู่ค้า เรามุ่งเน้นการสร้างความพึงพอใจสูงสุด